Monday 5 January 2009

Random Babble...

hey guys...
haven't been on here in a while so i guess i'll just have a conversation with myself as i realise i JUST CLASIFIED A WHILE AS TWO DAYS?!?!?! what? what?! that is just strange man.... normally a while for me would ACTUALLY be a while but apparently i have no concept of time anymore...
i'll just track down my thoughts (which knowing me would be a bad thing as i could scare many, many people) because my one friend who also blogs (different to the one who started me blogging) says that's what she does. i of course went on to explain how if i did that i would probably have a debate with myself about the variations and flavours of cookies.... so lets begin!
never dip a chocolate chip cookie into a chocolate fountain unless you want to feel violently ill. seriously- it's gross. but amazingly plain cheese pizza in chocolate fountain is surprisingly nice. that's possibly the manuver that sealed the deal of friendship (there's a deal of friendship??? like a contract??!) with someone that is now classified as the other half of me... it's a strange deal.
train of thought has inevitably stopped. that always hapens. whenever there is a conversation or a train of thought that somehow gets so awkward or strange that the word 'anyway' enters into it is just bad. 'anyway' is possibly the worst word to say in those kind of situations. it forces everyone in the conversation to focus on the point that the pspeaker of 'anyway' wants evveryone NOT to focus on. if that makes sense....
The only sensible time to say 'anyway' is when you have a point to make immediatly after using the six letter word. it's an illogical those kind of situations...

see, there's something to say. i dont know why the things i randomly think are now all surrounding sugary cakes... i must be craving sugar. but my point is, you dont even have to have a real point to make after the use of 'anyway'. you can just say 'anyway...' then shout a random word. generall this diverts peoples attention making the use of 'anyway' completely logical.
why am i ranting about the use of the word 'anyway'? i mean, that's peculier even for me.
peculier. peculier. that's a nice word. peculier.
i'm just gonna keep randomly typing whatever comes to mind if i dont get stopped. so i think i should stop. yes i should stop.


  1. OMG DUDE!!
    I'm the other friend :O the flavour of... that was an IM convo!! Awhhh I feel priviledged! I know that isn't how its spelt but my personal dictionary is currently under repairment and totally out of bounds.
    That was random
    Laterss xx

  2. YA JAM!!!

    Bwahahaha I feel honoured that I'm the friend who started it LOLZ

    OMG cupcakes..
    I've bene talking about cupcakes and muffins.. and all things pastry too!!! WTF DUDE

    Son xxx

  3. DUDE something weird like that happened between me and Jodie like a week ago :O
    I decided to name my blog Ned (no reason) and then went on hers and she'd posted some crap about randomer guy called Ned in Pushing Daisies... I didn't read it: I was in a state of "QUOI!" and oooooh was strange. And then today I read over mine and Katy's story from yonks ago and then emailed her about it, she emailed back like "no fooking way, thats what I've been doing for the past hour!" AGHHHHHHH what's up with our brains dudes?!
    LOVE X
